Rise Above Alcohol and Drugs (RAAD) partners know our combined efforts make a difference.
Increased public awareness and provider education have reduced the opioid prescription rate significantly. In 2015, the estimated rate of opioid prescriptions per 100 Arkansas residents was 118. In 2021, that rate had dropped to 75.
As a result of statewide training and distribution of naloxone, more than 1,700 lives have been saved in overdose incidents.
Help us build on this success!
On an individual level, small actions add up. There are many easy ways to help us build momentum.
I like having something to do. It helps me have some meaning in my life. I don’t want to be just sitting around watching TV.
– OPAL volunteer of the year, Ms. Susan May, age 87.
Riley Almond video –upload to Youtube and provide link? Or submit video to Stone Ward directly?
Education is the key to reducing substance use risks. RAAD partners teach evidence-based prevention strategies through online and in-person programs throughout the state. First responders, medical providers, educators, and college students can learn practical steps to make their communities safer.
Learn more about our training options.
We fund a variety of large-scale programs to expand prevention efforts in Arkansas. Some operate statewide and have a broad prevention scope, while others target specific communities, age groups or substance use problems. RAAD programs share resources and provide technical assistance to organizations that want to implement effective prevention strategies.